Today’s Your Lucky Day

A world record has been set and it’s been set right here! Backle Has Nothing to Say has reached an all-time high of 22 unique visitors and 27 page loads. The record was set yesterday, so thanks for visiting! If you keep coming, I’ll keep writing.

Of course, there is a reason for the sudden burst in traffic. My appreciation goes to Adele Caelia from Inside the Mind of Adele Caelia for her support from the very beginning of my blogging venture. I also give my special thanks to Cuppycake at Cuppytalk and Brandon at MMO Gaming for featuring me on their homepage. I would also like to thank, once again, Adele from Inside the Mind of Adele Caelia, Cuppycake at Cuppytalk, Brandon at MMO Gaming, Keen and Graev’s Gaming Blog, and Kill Ten Rats for adding me to their blogrolls.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here you have it…

To you bloggers who get 300,000 page loads a month, you may laugh your head off now at my 27 page loads, but you be darn sure to know I’m proud of those 27.

~ by backle on July 7, 2007.

7 Responses to “Today’s Your Lucky Day”

  1. Keep having nothing to say and I’ll keep coming back!

  2. Fantastic, that sounds like a plan! You love my blog so much it makes me warm and fuzzy inside!


  3. warm and fuzzy is better than cold and soggy.

  4. You are MOST welcome =)

  5. Np Backle:) Glad to help out a fellow pirate!

  6. I WIN I WIN!

  7. Yes, of course you win. I mean, really, how could you not win?

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