A World Without Noise

Have you ever tried playing your favorite game without sound? I’m sure all of us at one point have turned our sound off for one reason or another while playing a game. It doesn’t take long before your immersion is annihilated.

The sound of games is probably one of the most overlooked elements included in games. There’s a simple reason for that—immersion. I, personally, love to get immersed in all games I play and stunning graphics makes it all that easier. But the truth is, no matter how great the graphics are, you cannot get that same immersion without sound. The forest does not breathe and the city does not rumble. Nothing seems the same, and rightfully so.

The sound of games, of course, has multiple aspects to it as well. Ambience is one, as discussed earlier, but there is another equally important facet. The music of games is that side. The music sets the mood; it can be an inspirational overture or a brooding melody.

What would a world of games without the clack of your horse’s hooves and the swoosh of your dagger be like?

~ by backle on July 6, 2007.

One Response to “A World Without Noise”

  1. I agree. If the sound isn’t on my whole gaming rythm is screwed up!

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